Nellie Woods Whedon - the German Bohne Family

Born virtually in Nußbaum, Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany map

Ancestors ancestors

[sibling(s) unknown]

Husband of Anna Marie (Deicher) Bohn — married about 1738 in Obermoschel, Donnersbergkreis, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanymap

Descendants descendants

Died in Frederick, Maryland map

Contour final modified | Created iv Aug 2014

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As indicated by the Boone Social club, this person was not related to the "famous" Boone family unit that came from England, but rather, this admirer came from Germany.[ane]

The nearly likely and intriguing possible parents of Johann Diel BOHN b.1711 are Johann Dielman BOHN and Anna Magdalena BOHN[two]

Johann Diel BOHN arrived in Philadelphia on the transport Marlborough on 23 September 1741. On the listing of all menages xvi years and upwardly, he is identified every bit "Dewaile Poon, xxx".5 This makes the year of his nativity as approximately 1711.

In the yr 1741 a German immigrant past the name of Johann Diel Bohne landed in Philadelphia, PA. He arrived on the ship "Marlborough" from the Palatinate, Germany, near the Rhine River. His age is given on the ship's list as 30 years. The original of this document is on file with the Pennsylvania Historical Society at Harrisburg.

On April 10, 1750, fifty acres of land located near Frizellburg, at present Carroll County, Maryland, chosen "Boone's Content" were patented to Theobald Boon (Land Warrant No. 587, Carroll County, Md). We know by Johann'due south volition that this land had come into the possession of Johann Diel Bohne. Peradventure Johann had relatives in the new world before he left Frg. In September, 1752, Johann Bohne caused 80 acres of the "Resurvey on Shear Spring." (State Warrant #1970, Carroll Canton, MD) In October of 1758 Johann acquired 40 acres of the tract "No Whisky." (Land Warrant #2821).4 We can see that this immigrant was acquiring quite a lot of land and his estates were growing.

Johann Bohne died in 1764. Johann had made his will in 1761 earlier a visit to Germany. The witnesses were Michael and Peter Moyers or Myers. English clerks took "Bohn" to be "Bone" and copied it that mode into the volition volume at Frederick, Maryland. A photostat of Johann's signature to the original volition in German shows to have been "Johann Diel Bohn." This family unit has always pronounced it "Benefaction" fifty-fifty to this day. On the dorsum of the will is the statement that the volition was "proved past P. Myers, and the other witness (Michael Myers/Moyers) was dead fifth of April, 1765". The will was filed April 13, 1764 (Liber A #i, folio 209). The executors Johann named did not serve, and Nicholas Bohne, Johann'southward son past his offset spousal relationship, acted as administrator.

Johann Diel Bohne/Boone'south children:

1. Nicholas Bohn/Boon - Child of Johann's first wife, b. unknown date and identify, d. later 1823. Nicholas remained in Maryland.

Children past 2d wife:

2. Jacob Bohn/Boon, Sr. - Moved to Franklin Canton, Virginia. 3. Abraham Bohn/Boon - Moved to Rockingham County, Virginia. He died immature. 4. Margaret Bohn/Benefaction - Remained in Maryland. 5. Mary Diehl Bohn/Benefaction - Married Jacob Hoss. Moved to Washington County, Tennessee. Their daughter, Catherine Hoss, married Jonathan Naff, 31-January-1795 in Franklin County, Virginia, son of Jacob Naff and Eva Flory. He was b. 1771 in Maryland & died fifteen-Aug-1853 in Washington County, Tennessee. 6. John Bohn/Boon - Moved to Franklin Canton, Virginia. Later on to Montgomery County, Virginia. 7. Catherine Bohn/Benefaction - Remained in Maryland. 8. Elizabeth Bohn/Boon - Went to Tennessee nine. Adam Bohn/Boon - No data.

Will of Han Deall Bo(o)ne Fabricated November i, 1761 - Filed April 13, 1764 Son Nicholas, Administrator - Liber A #1, page 2097

"In the Proper noun of God Amen Whereas I, Han Bargain Bone of Frederick County and Province of Maryland Farmer being in good wellness of Body and of audio mind and memory and being forthwith to depart on a voyage to Germany do brand this my Terminal Volition and Attestation equally follows:

Imprimis kickoff of all I give and bequeath to my well dear son Nicholas all that Tract of Country called No Whiskey lying in Frederick County in the Province of Maryland containing xl acres of state to him and his heirs forever, he the said Nicholas paying unto my two sons John and Adam when they come of age v pounds Current Money each.

Imprimis I as well give and bequeath to my said Son Nicholas ten acres of land office of a tract of Country called Shear Spring adjoining to the aforesaid Tract of Land called No Whiskey to him and his heirs forever and no more of my Manor.

I too give and bequeath to my son Jacob my Dwelling Plantation with one hundred and twenty-5 acres of land he paying to my Son Abraham 50 pounds Current Money at the terminate of two years later on he enters on said Land to him and his Heirs forever.

Imprimis I also order that my personal Manor shall be as divided between my ii Sons viz John and Adam and my four Daughters viz Margaret, Mary, Katherine and Elizabeth.

Imprimis I besides order and Will that my well dear Wife Mary shall continue unabridged possession of Domicile Plantation, until my youngest Son is of Historic period.

Imprimis I do as well nominate and engage Joest Runkle and Daniel Zacharias Executors of this Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will or Wills by me heretofore made.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this first Day of November, seventeen hundred and threescore-1.

Han Deall Os (Seal) <>

Signed Sealed published and declared past the in a higher place named Han Deall Bone as and for his Last Will and Attestation in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator and of each other.

Michael Moyer Peter Moyer[3]


  1. ↑ Outset five Generations of Boone Family unit
  2. ↑ Well documented history of Johann Diel Bohne
  3. ↑
  • Whedon, Nellie Woods, "The German Bohne-Boon-Boone Family." Privately published

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