Happy New Year 2013

I can't believe Sugar Tart Crafts is 2 years old today!

When I beginning began posting, I hadn't fifty-fifty been reading craft blogs for a calendar month or and then before I pretty much said "I can totally do that!", and jumped right in. What the heck was I thinking? I had no thought nigh page layouts, header pattern, link backs, how to write tutorials, resizing & editting pictures, linky parties, or anything else forth those lines, and in those beginning few


months of posts you can definitely tell I have no thought what I'm doing. (And heaven knows that I all the same have absolutely no clue when it comes to social media!)

Now 2 years later on, I've made bloggy friends (aka the people I stem but take never really talked to), managed to wrangle upwardly a few followers (HI at that place!) and have even had the pleasure of guest posting a few times hither & at that place. I'm still not anywhere close to where my overactive imagination thinks I should be, but I'm definitely accomplishing more creatively than I would if I hadn't started blogging at all.

Writing a blog has been a much bigger struggle than I initially thought, and most days I feel "then far behind" in relation to where I thought I would be by now. At that place accept been plenty of times when I sit and wonder "Why don't y'all simply quit already? This is such a stressful time-suck!", and I've been tempted. Very Tempted to requite up. Merely I've besides learned and so many fun things forth the way, and had more than a few people tell me that I have helped them. Even if all I did was explain how to run up on a slice of bias tape, something I retrieve about as "no large bargain". Someone else out there learned something new, and I was the one who help teach them. That correct there is such a great feeling.

Then weather this is your commencement visit, or yous've been with me for awhile no, I'd like to say Thank You for sticking around through the pointless rambles, the sporadic disappearances, and the all also frequent "shortly I'm gonna show y'all" things that I never seem to get effectually to. My heed has bigger plans than my body can go along up with it seems, but it is e'er with the best of intentions. Just wait til you see my plans for 2013! ;D

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